A single episode of alcohol consumption can alter the brain for several days, even after the alcohol has left the bloodstream. While small amounts of alcohol were once considered harmless, studies have shown that even moderate consumption can have harmful effects, such as liver damage, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Researchers at the University of Heidelberg have now found that alcohol triggers a strong aging process in the brain, affecting not only those who consume it regularly but also those who drink only once.

The researchers conducted experiments on mice, giving them alcohol in their drinking water and analyzing whether the alcohol consumption affected their behavior and brain metabolism in the following hours and days. They found that even after the mice were no longer drunk, they still suffered from behavioral changes and had difficulty making correct decisions. An examination of the brain showed that the concentrations of 72 proteins were significantly altered in the hippocampus, the center of memory, and that there were changes in the mobility of the mitochondria. These effects were observed not only in the intoxicated mice but also after the alcohol had left their bloodstream.

The researchers concluded that even a single episode of alcohol consumption can cause long-lasting changes in the brain, primarily affecting the synapses that are essential for learning and memory. The changes in the mitochondria also suggest that even a single episode of alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing an addiction. The researchers believe that their findings could help to better understand the molecular and cellular processes of alcohol addiction and pave the way for new treatments.

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