Brilliant Planet, a start-up based in London, has developed a new algae farm to combat climate change by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has reached record levels in recent years, leading many scientists to believe that reducing CO2 emissions alone is no longer enough to combat climate change. As a result, research is underway to develop systems that can remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Brilliant Planet’s new algae farm offers a natural alternative to the existing Direct-Air-Capture systems that remove CO2 mechanically from the air.

The algae farm is located on coastal desert land, which provides optimal conditions for the growth of microalgae. The strong sunlight and seawater create an ideal environment for the algae to thrive. However, the current energy requirements of the farm are high, as large amounts of seawater need to be pumped to the site. Brilliant Planet is working on developing a more energy-efficient system that uses gravity to move water from one pond to another. The company has invested a lot of time and effort into minimizing energy costs and has even found a way to desalinate seawater during the pumping process.

According to Adam Taylor, the CEO of Brilliant Planet, the new system is 30 times more effective than the rainforest at decarbonizing the air. The technology has the potential to remove CO2 from the atmosphere on a large scale, with costs estimated to be under $50 per tonne of CO2 removed. The company has recently secured funding from Toyota’s venture capital subsidiary to build a 30-hectare algae farm to demonstrate the technology on an industrial scale. The funds will also be used for further research and development of the technology in London.

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