Mexican Parliament Presented Alleged Alien Mummies

In a recent public hearing at the Mexican Parliament, journalist, television host, and ufologist Jose Jaime Maussan presented two mummies that he claims are extraterrestrial. The two aliens, measuring around fifty centimeters, have long arms, three fingers, and a head resembling E.T. from the 1982 science-fiction film. According to Maussan, the mummies were discovered in the Nazca desert in Peru and are over 1,000 years old based on radiocarbon dating. X-ray examinations also revealed that one of the mummies has an implant made of the rare precious metal osmium and that one of the mummies has eggs.

Maussan was accompanied by other scientists and witnesses who testified under oath to the analysis results during the presentation. Maussan also stated that about one-third of the aliens’ DNA is unknown, while the remaining two-thirds are DNA found on Earth. However, this discrepancy has been criticized by the scientific community, and Maussan’s credibility has been questioned due to his previous public presentations of alleged alien mummies and other evidence, which were later revealed to be errors or deliberate forgeries.

A renowned researcher from the Institute of Astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) stated to the Associated Press that most of Maussan’s analyses in this case are also incorrect. Therefore, it is highly likely that the mummies are once again forgeries.

In conclusion, the presentation of alleged alien mummies in the Mexican Parliament has sparked controversy and skepticism among the scientific community. While Maussan claims that the mummies are extraterrestrial, the evidence presented is not convincing, and his credibility has been called into question.

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