In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Hiroshima University have genetically modified chickens to lay eggs that do not contain the protein Ovomucoid, a common allergen found in eggs. This breakthrough could potentially allow people with egg allergies to safely consume eggs without experiencing allergic reactions. The researchers used gene-editing technology to remove the proteins that trigger food allergies from the eggs. The study was published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Egg allergies are a common cause of allergic reactions in humans, with symptoms ranging from itching in the mouth to hives, swelling, and even anaphylactic shock. The problematic protein Ovomucoid makes up about 11% of the proteins found in egg whites. To create the allergy-free eggs, the researchers identified and removed the Ovomucoid protein from the egg whites using gene-editing technology. The resulting eggs were tested to ensure that they did not contain any mutated or unwanted proteins.

The Ovomucoid-free eggs could potentially solve the problem of food allergies in vaccines and food products. However, further immunological and clinical studies are needed to determine the safety and efficacy of these eggs. The researchers plan to continue their work to evaluate the physical properties and processing suitability of the eggs and to confirm their effectiveness through clinical trials. This breakthrough could have a significant impact on the lives of people with egg allergies, allowing them to safely consume eggs and benefit from their nutritional value.

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