Antisemitism is still widespread in Germany, with the attitude being particularly prevalent among AfD voters and Muslims. According to official crime statistics, there were 3,028 anti-Semitic crimes in Germany last year, with the majority (84%) being attributed to the far-right. Additionally, the proportion of anti-Semitic crimes with a foreign ideology has increased by 217% to 127 crimes. These developments are confirmed by a study conducted by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach, commissioned by the American Jewish Committee. The study found that anti-Semitism is widespread among AfD voters and Muslims. The population of Germany believes that Jews have too much power in finance and the economy (23%), have too much influence on the media and politics (18%), and have caused many economic crises (11%). The study also found that almost half (48%) of AfD supporters believe that the Holocaust is being used for their own benefit.

The study also highlights the problem of Israel-related anti-Semitism in Germany. While criticism of Israel is acceptable, the so-called 3D rule (double standards, delegitimization, and demonization) can be used to determine whether criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. Negative opinions about Israel are most prevalent among Muslims, with over half (63%) having a “bad” or “very bad” image of the country. The study also found a correlation between anti-Semitism and mosque visits, with Muslims who visit mosques more frequently having more anti-Semitic attitudes. This could be due to the influence of foreign-controlled mosques in Germany, such as those controlled by the Turkish autocrat Erdogan and the Iranian government. The German government needs to reduce the influence of foreign entities on mosques in the country, according to the Anti-Semitism Commissioner Felix Klein.

The study’s findings are alarming, as anti-Semitism remains a significant problem in Germany. It is essential to address this issue and take action to combat it. The German government must work to reduce the influence of foreign entities on mosques in the country and promote education and awareness about the dangers of anti-Semitism. It is crucial to remember the lessons of the past and work towards a future free of hate and discrimination.

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