Revolutionary 3D Hologram Technology: Scientists Create Touchable Hologram with Sound

Science fiction fans have long awaited the day when hologram technology would become a reality. Now, scientists at the University of Sussex in England have made a significant breakthrough in hologram technology, bringing us one step closer to the fictional holodeck from Star Trek. The team, led by Ryuji Hirayama, has created a 3D hologram that can be touched and emits various sounds.

The hologram was made possible through a technique called acoustic levitation, which uses ultrasound waves to move small illuminated particles and create tangible resistance and sound in the air. The scientists used the Multimodal Acoustic Trap Display (MATD), developed in 2018, as the basis for their hologram. The MATD allows for free-floating projections, where tiny particles are moved and illuminated by laser beams to create the hologram. Instead of using laser beams to control the particles, the scientists used ultrasound waves to create an acoustic field that holds the particles in suspension. The particles can change position up to 100 times per second, creating a visible, floating, and moving image for the human eye.

The prototype device, which is about the size of a microwave, consists of 512 freely arranged ultrasound speakers made from affordable and readily available materials. In their initial tests, the scientists projected a rotating globe, letters, a Rubik’s cube, and intertwined rings holographically. The hologram is created with inaudible sound, which can transport energy through the air to create sound or stimulate the skin, which we interpret as touch.

The scientists believe that there is still significant room for improvement in the technology. By using higher frequencies, stronger ultrasound speakers, and optimized software, they could create even clearer images and more intense sensations. The team’s breakthrough could have significant implications for the future of entertainment, education, and communication.

In conclusion, the scientists’ achievement in creating a touchable hologram with sound is a significant breakthrough in hologram technology. The technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital content and could have significant implications for various industries. While there is still room for improvement, the scientists’ achievement is a significant step towards the fictional holodeck from Star Trek becoming a reality.

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