Articles By This Author

 News Technology

Knittable Aerogel Fiber for Insulation

Scientists have discovered a new material that could revolutionize the way we insulate our clothing. Aerogels, which are known for their excellent thermal insulation properties,

 News Economics

Bitcoin: Legal Tender in El Salvador

El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to make bitcoin legal tender, meaning that businesses are required to accept it as a medium

 News Environment

Migratory Landbird Hotspots in Eastern US

Migratory Birds in North America Need More Protection During Their Stopovers Migratory birds in North America are in trouble. Their populations are declining rapidly, and

 News Psychology

Infant Brain Categorizes Voices

New research has shown that even at just four months old, babies have a special preference for voices. This is because voices are the most

 News Biology

Synced Mice: Group Living & Sleeping

New research has revealed that social interactions play a significant role in the sleep behavior of mice. Scientists have long known that social interactions can

 Story Geology

Deepest Cave on Earth Discovered in Georgia

Scientists have discovered the deepest-known cave on Earth, called Veryovkina Cave. Located in the Arabika Massif of the Gagra mountain range in Georgia, the cave

 News Biology

Sleeping Reindeer Chew

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery about the sleep patterns of arctic reindeer. These animals live in an environment where the amount of daylight changes

 News Psychology

Music and Morality: A Connection

Music is a powerful tool that helps us express our emotions, feelings, and beliefs. But did you know that the music you listen to can

 News Biology

Bird-like Sleeping Behavior in Dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mongolia that sheds light on the sleeping habits of non-avian dinosaurs. The dinosaur, named Jaculinykus yaruui,

 News Biology

Unexplored Microbial Genes: Their Importance

For over two decades, scientists worldwide have contributed to uncovering the immense diversity of microorganisms that inhabit different ecosystems on our planet, from oceans and