Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Lab-made dog food fights climate change.

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. According

 News Technology

Cows’ toilets fight climate change

Scientists have successfully created coffee powder in a laboratory that tastes and smells like regular coffee. The product is expected to hit the market in

 News Economics

The Digital Euro is Coming Soon

The European Central Bank (ECB) has been discussing the introduction of a digital euro for some time now, and it seems that the decision to

 News Medicine

Third Covid-19 shot unnecessary

According to a WHO vaccine expert, a third Covid-19 vaccine dose is currently only useful in a few exceptional cases. Instead, the available vaccine doses

 News Environment

Harmful Air Pollution Below Limits

Air pollution is responsible for the deaths of approximately 800,000 people in Europe and 4.5 million people globally each year. The World Health Organization (WHO)

 News Medicine

Sleep Keeps Brain Sharp

A new study has revealed that individuals who do not get enough sleep are at a higher risk of developing serious illnesses such as dementia

 News Economics

Electric Cars Boom in Germany

The demand for electric and hybrid vehicles is on the rise among car buyers in Germany. According to the “Trends beim Autokauf” study conducted by

 News Environment

Rising Jellyfish Sightings in Mediterranean

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. The

 News Environment

COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Plastic Waste

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an additional 8.4 million tons of plastic waste, including masks, protective equipment, and other medical supplies. Shockingly, at least

 News Medicine

Rising Chronic Health Issues Under 50

More than a third of adults in wealthier countries suffer from chronic illnesses before the age of 50, according to a study by the University