Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Movement Eases Depression Symptoms

Depression Affects Brain Plasticity, but Exercise Can Help Depression is a common mental illness that affects about 10% of the population in Germany. The causes

 News Geology

Underwater groundwater found near Malta

A recent discovery of a large freshwater reserve beneath the sea floor off the coast of Malta has raised hopes that similar reserves may exist

 News Medicine

Boosting Germany’s Covid-19 Vaccination Rate with 500 Euro Bonus

Germany is facing a new challenge in its vaccination campaign as the availability of vaccines has improved, but the number of people willing to get

 News Technology

Germany Begins 6G Development

Germany to Invest 700 Million Euros in 6G Development Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced plans to invest almost 700 million

 News Medicine

New virus database prevents pandemics.

A new database has been developed to help detect the transmission risk of zoonotic pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 more quickly, with the aim of preventing

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Displacement Risk

Climate-related disasters have forced 10.3 million people to flee their homes in the last six months, according to data from the International Red Cross and

 News Technology

Disappointing Results of Industry 4.0 in Germany

Germany’s ambitious Industry 4.0 initiative, which aims to fully integrate modern information and communication technology into production, is facing significant challenges in terms of financing

 News Medicine

Low-Income Workers Lag in Vaccination

In Germany, there is a significant difference in COVID-19 vaccination rates between high and low-income earners, according to a study by the Economic and Social

 News Economics

Gasoline Costs 90% Higher Than Electricity

Electric cars in Germany cost an average of €730 per year to power, according to a study by This is significantly cheaper than the

 News Environment

Superbugs found in German discount meat

Multiresistant bacteria have been found in meat samples from German discount stores, prompting the World Medical Association to call for stricter regulation of related medications