Articles By This Author

 News Physics

Clean Drinking Water with Nanoparticle Membrane

Clean water is a scarce resource in many parts of the world, and the challenges of climate change and population growth are making it even

 News Environment

High taxes render CO2 extraction techniques unnecessary.

A new study has found that a high CO2 price would be more effective than removing CO2 from the atmosphere. The recently introduced CO2 tax

 News Psychology

The Power of Typography’s Character

The coin toss significantly influences penalty shootouts, with a 60% chance of winning for the team that wins the draw. In knockout phases of football

 News Medicine

80% of COVID-19 cases unreported

In Tirschenreuth, the German district hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of unreported SARS-CoV-2 infections in the first half of 2020 was 80

 News Medicine

Spermidine boosts memory and cognition

A natural substance called spermidine has been found to improve cognitive performance in older individuals. Spermidine is found in various foods such as nuts, mushrooms,

 News Medicine

Snoring triggers behavioral disorders in children.

Children who frequently snore have thinner gray matter in the frontal lobe of their brains, leading to concentration problems, learning difficulties, and impulsive behavior. According

 News Physics

Penetrating opaque materials with special light waves.

Scientists from the University of Utrecht and the Vienna University of Technology have developed a method to transmit complex optical information through opaque materials. Many

 News Technology

German Government Supports 6G Development

In a breakthrough development, scientists at Brigham Young University’s Electro-Holography Lab have successfully created holograms using two lasers. The holograms appear to float in the

 News Medicine

Vaping linked to erectile dysfunction

Electronic cigarettes, or E-cigarettes, have been found to significantly increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and impotence in men, regardless of age and other risk

 News Technology

5D Optical Storage: 13.8 Billion-Year Data Security

A new laser writing process has been developed to secure data in an optical 5D glass storage, with the aim of making the data readable