Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Spain builds highway from recycled paper

Spain’s government is funding a new highway made from recycled paper instead of cement, which can reduce carbon emissions by up to 75%. Typically, roads

 News Technology

US Military Looks to the Future

A new breakthrough in solar cell technology has been achieved by scientists at the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) in Switzerland. They have developed a

 News Technology

KI creates new computer chips quickly.

Google Research has developed a new AI that can design computer chips in just six hours, a task that typically takes months or even years.

 News Medicine

30-Minute Brain Tumor Removal by Medical Robot

In just 30 minutes, a new robot called ZAP-X can perform a brain tumor treatment that typically takes five hours of surgery, a day in

 News Medicine

Less Antibiotics Used in Animals

The use of antibiotics in animal farming is declining, according to a report by several European health and food authorities, including the European Medicines Agency

 News Medicine

Masks don’t hinder toddlers’ breathing.

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Sapienza University of Rome has found that wearing a surgical mask does not impair the lung function

 News Environment

Nuclear Power Fails Climate Change

A recent metastudy based on the criteria of the EU Taxonomy Regulation has found that the continued operation of nuclear power plants does not help

 News Geology

Global Land Subsidence Endangers 19%

The extraction of groundwater is causing significant land subsidence in many regions of the world, which can destroy buildings and increase the likelihood of flooding.

 News Technology

Virus-killing ventilation system

A new air filtration system has been developed that can kill viruses and other organic materials through oxidation. The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and

 News Technology

Floating Solar Power Plant Powers Singapore

Singapore has completed the construction of a floating solar power plant with a capacity of 5 megawatts. The plant, built by Sunseap, is one of