Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Can Germany Feed Itself?

Germany Imports Majority of its Food: Study Shows Self-Sufficiency Possible with Reduced Meat Consumption Germany imports a significant portion of its food, but a new

 News Technology

3D-printed toilet stays clean

A new material has been developed that prevents dirt from sticking to toilet bowls, potentially reducing water consumption from flushing. According to scientific estimates, flushing

 News Economics

Germany misses electric car targets

Germany Aims for 15 Million Electric Cars by 2030, but Experts Say It’s Unrealistic Germany’s federal government has set a target of having 15 million

 News Economics

AI forces millions to reskill.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies is rapidly increasing, and according to a recent study by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV),

 News Physics

Physicists Confirm Pine’s Demon Phenomenon

Physicists have experimentally confirmed the Pines’ demon phenomenon, a state that occurs when electrons of a metal form a neutral, massless plasmon. The Pines’ demon

 News Psychology

Radicalization of Conspiracy Believers Online

The spread of conspiracy theories has become increasingly prevalent on social media platforms. Researchers have identified four stages of radicalization that occur as a result.

 News Environment

99.9% Microplastic Removal with Holzstaubfilter

A recent study by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has revealed that oceans contain more microplastics than previously thought. These tiny plastic particles, which are

 News Physics

Magnet Enhances Light Interactions

Physicists at the City College of New York have discovered that magnets can enhance the interactions of light, potentially leading to technological innovations such as

 News Environment

Wealthy households drive CO2 emissions.

Wealthy individuals are responsible for disproportionately high levels of CO2 emissions, with investments being the main culprit. As such, experts suggest shifting towards an income

 News Environment

Rich Compensate Poor’s Energy Consumption

A reduction in energy consumption is essential in the fight against climate change. However, this poses a social problem as low-income households cannot afford to