Articles By This Author

 News Physics

X-ray pulses reveal protein coagulation

A new breakthrough in space travel has been discovered by Dr. Erik Lentz of the University of Göttingen. In an article published in Classical and

 News Environment

Ocean Plastic Becomes Habitat

The Pacific Garbage Patch has become a new habitat for coastal and deep-sea creatures, forming communities that did not exist in nature before. Large garbage

 News Medicine

Zinc Supplements Combat Viral Colds

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Western Sydney University has found that zinc can significantly reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms associated

 News Environment

Massive marine protected area established

The transport sector in Germany has failed to reduce its CO2 emissions since 1990, making it the only industry to do so. To combat this,

 News Psychology

Quit smoking boosts mental health.

Smoking cessation for just six weeks has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other physical problems. According to a meta-study conducted by the University

 News Geology

Rare Earth Deposit Found Outside China

A new discovery in South Africa could potentially end China’s monopoly on the world market for rare earth elements. These elements, such as Terbium, Neodymium,

 News Environment

Climate change shifts seasons in Northern Hemisphere

The summer season in Germany could last up to 166 days by the year 2100 if the anthropogenic climate change continues at its current pace.

 News Medicine

Germany’s Fall Covid-19 Restrictions?

A new model calculation from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) suggests that Germany will need to implement renewed contact restrictions this fall to combat the

 News Medicine

Mushroom drug fights aggressive prostate cancer.

A new study has found that a common antifungal medication, Terbinafin, may be effective in treating aggressive prostate cancer. Researchers at the University Hospital of

 News Environment

Kenya’s Wildlife Populations on the Rise

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has released updated population figures for various mammal and bird species, indicating a recovery of most wildlife populations. The majority of