Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Kenya’s Wildlife Populations on the Rise

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has released updated population figures for various mammal and bird species, indicating a recovery of most wildlife populations. The majority of

 News Technology

Two-legged ostrich robot delivers packages.

A groundbreaking achievement has been made in the development of the “ostrich robot” Cassie. This type of autonomous robot could potentially be used for package

 News Environment

Only 3% of Land Ecosystems Intact

A new study has revealed that 97% of land ecosystems have been destroyed, leaving only 3% of intact ecosystems remaining. The Serengeti Savanna in Tanzania

 News Technology

Router turned alarm by Projekt Wachmann

The Wachmann project is transforming WLAN routers into alarm systems that can detect burglars based on their MAC addresses. In Germany, there are over 100,000

 News Psychology

Intuition reveals infidelity in relationships.

A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University has found that people can accurately detect infidelity in others, even if they don’t know them.

 News Medicine

Coffee Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Cafestol, a compound found in coffee, has been found to increase the amount of lipids (fats) in the blood. This means that people with high

 News Economics

Instagram: Leading Business Content Platform

Instagram Overtakes Facebook as the Most Popular Social Network for Brand Interaction A recent study by AudienceProject, a market research company, has revealed that Instagram

 News Technology

Air-based energy storage for startups

A new liquid air-based energy storage system has been developed to ensure the reliability of renewable energy sources. While solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can

 News Psychology

Psychological Traits of Extremists

A new study by the University of Cambridge has found that individuals with extremist tendencies share a common psychological profile, characterized by low mental capacity.

 News Medicine

Rare Critical Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination

The Covid-19 vaccines BNT162b2 from Biontech/Pfizer and mRNA-1273 from Moderna have been found to cause only rare critical side effects, with no deaths attributed to