Articles By This Author

 News Geology

Faster Earth Rotation

The Earth’s rotation has been speeding up in recent years, which could trigger a negative leap second in 2021. The planet takes approximately 86,400 seconds

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes: A Gateway to Smoking

A new study conducted by the University of California in San Diego has found that teenagers who use e-cigarettes are three times more likely to

 News Medicine

Genetic Differences in Identical Twins

A recent study conducted by deCODE Genetics, a company that specializes in identifying genes through population-based studies, has found that genetic differences can occur in

 News Medicine

Morning Red Light Boosts Vision

Aging can cause a decrease in energy production in the mitochondria of the cells, leading to a decline in vision. However, a study conducted by

 News Medicine

RNA in Blood Predicts COVID-19 Mortality

Montreal (Canada) – A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal has found that the viral RNA in the blood of Covid-19

 News Environment

Saudi Arabia Builds Car-Free City

Saudi Arabia is set to begin construction on a new city called “The Line” that will have no roads for cars and produce zero carbon

 News Economics

Slowdown in Global Population Growth

The world’s population growth has decreased by about a third in the last 30 years, according to a study by the German Foundation for World

 News Medicine

New Rapid Test Detects Cannabis Use

A new THC rapid test can detect recent cannabis use in just a few minutes, compared to the up to five days required for urine

 News Environment

71% of Germans Want Speed Limit

A majority of Germans are in favor of a general speed limit on highways, according to a recent survey conducted by the insurance company Allianz

 News Environment

Mercury in Oceans from Gas Exchange

A new study by the University of Basel has revealed that the majority of mercury in the oceans comes from gas exchange, rather than contaminated