Articles By This Author

 News Economics

Climate change requires aid for developing countries.

The global economy may experience slower growth than previously anticipated, according to recent forecasts. This could have significant implications for efforts to combat climate change

 News Economics

Linking Retirement Age to Life Expectancy

The idea of linking the retirement age to life expectancy has been proposed by an economist in Germany, as people are living longer. The CDU

 News Environment

Global Forest Fires Revealed by ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed an interactive tool called the World Fire Atlas that tracks global wildfires and their progression over time. The

 News Physics

Sound Waves Transmitted in Vacuum

Physicists at the University of Jyväskylä have experimentally proven that sound waves can be transmitted in a vacuum under certain conditions. This finding challenges the

 News Economics

CO?-Reduction doesn’t harm competitiveness

A new study by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has found that reducing CO2 emissions does not necessarily lead to economic disadvantages for companies. The

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Flight Turbulence

The occurrence of clear air turbulence (CAT) has significantly increased in recent decades due to climate change, according to researchers. CAT is a strong air

 News Economics

Electric Trucks Cheaper Than Diesel

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden has shown that electric trucks can be cheaper for logistics companies,

 News Economics

News media losing young audience

Young people are increasingly turning away from traditional news media, according to a study by the GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences in Germany. The

 News Economics

Exploring Acceptance of Insects as Food

Insects have been approved as food in the EU, but a recent study conducted by researchers at the Technical University of Berlin has found that

 News Economics

Rise of Artificial Christmas Trees

The debate over whether to have a real or artificial Christmas tree in the living room during the holiday season is a contentious one. However,