Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Scarless Healing with Wound Gel

A new wound gel has been developed that activates the immune system and accelerates the healing of skin injuries. This medication could potentially prevent scarring

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Risk Calculator Online

A new algorithm has been developed that calculates an individual’s risk of infection in indoor spaces based on current research. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is known

 News Technology

2,000 km Range Boost with SALD Batteries

A new battery technology called Spatial Atom Layer Deposition (SALD) has been developed by a collaboration of Dutch and German scientists. The technology is expected

 News Psychology

Lockdown worsens depression amid Covid-19

The lockdown in the spring had a significant impact on people with depression, and now psychiatrists fear that the current lockdown-light will exacerbate the situation.

 News Technology

Organic Brain Inspires Nanoelectronics

The human brain is capable of impressive feats. It can react to spontaneous actions in seconds and trigger a corresponding impulse. Compared to computer technology,

 News Environment

Mushroom Leather Innovation

Mushroom-based vegan leather is a more environmentally friendly and cheaper alternative to traditional animal leather, while still possessing similar tactile properties and being biodegradable. Leather

 News Medicine

Electric Brain Stimulation Boosts Creativity

A recent study published in the journal Brain Structure and Function has found that deactivating certain regions of the brain through transcranial direct current stimulation

 News Environment

Florida’s Water Supply Threatened by Weakening Gulf Stream

The North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a crucial factor in the world’s climate, is weakening and bringing less warm water from the Caribbean to

 News Technology

Heated Nickel Foam Kills COVID-19

A new air filter has been developed that can heat up to 250 degrees Celsius, effectively killing SARS-CoV-2 aerosols that can otherwise linger in indoor

 News Environment

Beavers Speed Up Permafrost Thawing

Biber Could Accelerate Climate Change by Creating Artificial Lakes Biber, the animal landscape architects, are creating artificial lakes that could accelerate the thawing of permafrost