Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Germany unveils COVID-19 vaccination plan

Germany is likely to approve the first COVID-19 vaccines in early 2021. However, the country’s production capacity may not be sufficient to vaccinate everyone immediately.

 News Medicine

Hormone Antibody Aids Weight Loss

A new antibody has been developed that accelerates metabolism and reduces cravings for sweets. In a Phase 1 study, the injection was well tolerated by

 News Medicine

Red Meat Increases Colon Cancer Risk

A new study by scientists at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern has found that a diet high in red meat can increase the risk of

 News Environment

Upcycling Used Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers are a major contributor to the world’s waste problem, with over three billion being thrown away every day. In Germany alone, 8.4 million

 News Medicine

Nutrient-enriched yogurt fights Alzheimer’s.

A new study has found that a yogurt drink called Fortasyn Connect can improve brain volume and everyday abilities in patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

 News Medicine

High Health Risks with Few Cigarettes

Smoking fewer than ten cigarettes a day significantly increases the risk of dying from lung cancer or a severe respiratory disease, according to a study

 News Technology

UV-C Light Disinfects Smartphones from Coronavirus

A new device that uses UV-C radiation instead of chemicals to destroy viruses and bacteria is now available to disinfect smartphones, tablets, and other sensitive

 News Medicine

Influences on Human Love Relationships

A new study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Canada has found that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the quality of their romantic

 News Environment

Dog’s environmental impact measured

A medium-sized dog produces as much CO2 during its lifetime as driving 72,800 kilometers in a car, according to a study by researchers at the

 News Medicine

Old Blood Boosts Cancer Cell Aggression

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York has found that an increased concentration of Methylmalonic acid (MMS)