Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Care for Trees, Not Just Plant

The fight against climate change has taken a new turn as researchers from Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Spain call for a shift in focus from

 News Geology

Possible Explanation for Earth’s Big Gap

Geologists have been puzzled for centuries by a gap in the Earth’s history, spanning almost a billion years, where there are no deposits worldwide. This

 News Medicine

Higher Mortality Rate for Afro-Americans

A shocking new study has revealed that African American children are three and a half times more likely to die after surgery than their white

 News Medicine

Animal diseases spreading to humans

A new UN study has raised concerns that diseases could increasingly jump from animals to humans in the future. The study warns that the massive

 News Physics

Computer-simulated Diamond: Harder and Lighter

Scientists at Tsukuba University have discovered a new form of diamond that is harder than natural diamonds and lighter than graphite. Diamonds are essential for

 News Medicine

Underestimated COVID-19 Deaths in Italy

A shocking new study has revealed that the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in Italy is much higher than previously reported. According to official

 News Environment

Radioactive Soil Contamination in Europe

A new map has been released that highlights the contamination of Europe by radioactive elements. The map was created by analyzing soil samples and identifying

 News Physics

Cooling with Twisted Fibers

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional cooling process used in refrigerators and air conditioners.

 News Psychology

Why People Prefer Rounded Numbers

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, USA, has found that people tend to prefer rounded numbers over exact

 News Medicine

Salt harms immune system

Excessive salt in our food is not only unappetizing but also harmful to our health. While it adds flavor and enhances taste, too much salt