Articles By This Author

 News Environment

700 km Lightning Strike

In a split second, lightning can surge through the air with currents of up to 100,000 amperes, heating the air to temperatures of up to

 News Medicine

Salt harms immune system

Excessive salt in our food is not only unappetizing but also harmful to our health. While it adds flavor and enhances taste, too much salt

 News Medicine

Optimists Live Longer: Confirmed by Researchers

Optimism is a way of life that can be learned. Long-term studies conducted in the United States have found a clear correlation between an optimistic

 News Environment

Toxic Chemicals Found in German Children

The German Environment Agency has issued a warning that children in Germany have too many long-lasting PFAS chemicals in their blood. The current study is

 News Economics

Global Arms Spending Soars

The global arms race continues to escalate, with the fifth consecutive year of increased spending on weapons and military equipment. According to a study by

 News Environment

Hot Asphalt Creates More Fine Dust

Hot asphalt releases aerosols that form secondary particulate matter in the air. In warm regions, more particulate matter is generated than by the entire road

 News Technology

3D-Printed Damascus Steel

Damaszenerstahl, a type of steel known for its hardness and stability, has been used since ancient times to make sword blades. Traditionally, blacksmiths could only

 News Environment

Smokers harm non-smokers too.

Smokers continue to expose those around them to harmful chemicals through residue on their clothing, even long after their last cigarette. During a movie screening,

 News Physics

Evidence of Reverse Parallel Universe Found

In a groundbreaking scientific experiment conducted in Antarctica, physicists have detected elementary particles with mysterious properties that they believe may have originated from a parallel

 News Medicine

Tocilizumab Prevents Cytokine Storm in COVID-19

A new study published in the Lancet Rheumatology has found that the rheumatoid arthritis drug Tocilizumab can prevent an overreaction of the immune system that