Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Plastic-eating Fungi and Bacteria Found in China

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, with humans producing around 400 million tons of plastic waste annually. Unfortunately, plastic waste is not biodegradable and

 News Environment

Politics must promote eco-friendly behavior

The German government’s environmental policy has long focused on the industrial sector. However, a recent report by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) suggests that the

 News Technology

Wind Farm Powers 80,000 Homes

Wind Catching Systems, a Norwegian company, has designed an offshore wind farm that can generate electricity for 80,000 households. The innovative turbine design consists of

 News Economics

Legalizing Cannabis Could Boost Consumption

The planned legalization of cannabis in Germany could lead to an increase in drug consumption and have negative effects on youth protection. The authors of

 News Geology

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories due to the disappearance of over 50 ships

 News Technology

Tongue Touchpad Replaces Mouse

Augmental’s Mouthpad, an intraoral touchpad, allows for hands-free control of smart devices using only the tongue. This innovative device is designed to help paralyzed individuals

 News Economics

Money Brings Happiness After All

A new study has challenged the long-held belief that higher income does not necessarily equate to greater happiness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have

 News Psychology

Decline in Media Trust in Germany

The trust in media in Germany has slightly decreased, but it remains at a higher level than before Covid-19. According to a study by the

 News Technology

Munich tests electric bus convoy

In Munich, electric buses have been tested to drive autonomously in a convoy, with only the first bus being controlled by a human driver. This

 News Technology

Sulfur as Solar Energy Storage

Solar technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, with small solar panels found on rooftops, garages, and even in watches and calculators.