Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Small Men at Higher Alzheimer’s Risk

A recent study conducted by the University of Copenhagen has found that taller men have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The study analyzed

 News Psychology

Social Recognition vs. Money: Which Matters?

The placebo effect is not limited to traditional medication, but also applies to hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. This discovery could lead to better treatment for

 News Environment

Electric vs. Infrared Heating: Which is Better?

With more and more people installing photovoltaic systems on their roofs, the interest in electric heating systems is also on the rise. But how effective

 News Technology

Boeing tests AI-powered military drones.

Boeing, the aerospace company, has successfully tested its new Airpower Teaming System (ATS) in Australia. The ATS is a communication system that connects autonomous military

 News Medicine

Ready-made meals accelerate aging.

According to recent research, processed foods such as frozen pizza, sausages, and cookies not only increase the long-term risk of becoming overweight and sick, but

 News Medicine

Cross-Immunity Clues for Covid-19

A recent study published in the journal Nature by scientists from Charité and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG) has found that healthy

 News Physics

Mask Protection Against SARS-CoV-2 Analyzed

A new study conducted by scientists at Florida Atlantic University has found that a double-layered cotton mask is the most effective at preventing the spread

 News Economics

German wealth grows €7,788/sec

It may be hard to believe, but the wealth of German households is currently growing at a rate of around €7,788 per second! This brings

 News Medicine

New substance inhibits coronavirus replication.

A new molecule, CR-31-B, has been found to significantly inhibit the replication of the coronavirus in laboratory tests. However, it has not yet been approved

 News Medicine

Revolutionary Hybrid Heart Replaces Donor Hearts

In response to the global shortage of donor hearts, British and Dutch doctors are planning to transplant hybrid hearts into patients in need. Traditional donor