Articles By This Author

 News Physics

Realistic Fusion Power by 2045

Germany has the potential to become a global leader in fusion energy, according to a report by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

 News Economics

German Job Applicants Often Lie

A recent study conducted by has revealed that over half of German job applicants have lied on their resumes. The study surveyed 3,000 participants

 News Technology

3D-Printed Ink Gives Veggies Color

A new “food ink” has been developed that allows vegetables to be produced in any shape and texture using a 3D printer. This is expected

 News Technology

Wind Farm Powers 80,000 Homes

Wind Catching Systems, a Norwegian company, has designed an offshore wind farm that can generate electricity for 80,000 households. The innovative turbine design consists of

 News Economics

Gender Bias in German Job Market

Women in Germany earn significantly lower incomes than men on average, according to a study by the Federal Employment Agency (BA). The study found that

 News Technology

Worm’s Nervous System in Code

The line between living beings and machines is becoming increasingly blurred. Scientists have recently been able to transfer the complete nervous system of a nematode

 News Technology

Foldable Electric Vehicle Developed in Germany

A Munich-based designer has created a foldable electric vehicle that aims to bring drivers back to the basics of physical driving. Andrea Mocellin’s Exo-Line, also

 News Psychology

Time perception affects interest in future generations.

A recent study conducted by the Institute of Psychogerontology (IPG) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) has revealed new insights into how our individual perception of time

 News Technology

Secret Messages Hidden in AI-Generated Images

A new breakthrough in the transmission of secret communication has been achieved by scientists at the University of Oxford. They have developed a new algorithm

 News Economics

Record High R&D Spending in Germany

Germany Sets New Record High in Research and Development Spending Germany has surpassed the goals of the EU growth strategy “Europe 2020” for the fifth