Articles By This Author

 News Technology

Worm’s Nervous System in Code

The line between living beings and machines is becoming increasingly blurred. Scientists have recently been able to transfer the complete nervous system of a nematode

 News Environment

Denmark stores CO2 under North Sea

Denmark has begun storing significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO?) under the North Sea, marking the first time the country has used the controversial technology

 News Physics

Physicists Reverse Time’s Flow

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at the University of Vienna have managed to reverse time in a quantum system and return a photon to its

 News Physics

Measuring the Strength of Strong Nuclear Force

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Environment

Toilet Paper Contains Eternal Chemicals

Toilet paper additives contain eternal chemicals that can harm human health and the environment. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are slow to degrade in the

 News Psychology

Fluidity of Human Sexual Identity

The sexual identity of individuals is surprisingly fluid, and this applies to both teenagers and seniors. According to the Antidiscrimination Agency of Germany, sexual identity

 News Technology

Germany opens Hyperloop test track.

The future of transportation has arrived in Germany with the opening of the country’s first Hyperloop test track in Ottobrunn, near Munich. The Technical University

 News Technology

Successful Test of Electric Air Taxi

Vertical Aerospace’s VX4 flying taxi is set to revolutionize transportation in London and other cities. The compact aircraft can transport passengers from Heathrow Airport to

 News Economics

Legalizing Cannabis Increases Crime

The legalization of cannabis has been found to lead to an increase in non-violent crime, particularly drug and disorderly offenses. However, a cost-benefit analysis shows

 News Economics

Alcohol abuse costs exceed taxes

Excessive alcohol consumption causes high damages that are not covered by the taxation of the drug. As a result, people who do not drink or