Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

E-Cigarette Liquids Harm Cells

A new study from the medical faculty at Stanford University has found that e-cigarettes, often touted as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, are actually

 News Medicine

Epigenetic Differences in Poor People

Poverty in childhood can have long-lasting effects on a person’s health, according to a recent study by Northwestern University in Evanston. The study, which examined

 News Environment

Illegal FCKW Emissions in China

China has been found to be using large amounts of Fluorochlorocarbon (FCKW), a substance that has been banned worldwide since 1987 due to its ozone-depleting

 News Economics

One in Six Packages Returned in Germany

Every year in Germany, 280 million packages are returned in online commerce, costing the retailer an average of almost 20 euros per package. Additionally, these

 News Medicine

Accelerating Nerve Damage Healing with Amino Acid Nanofibers

Nanofibers injected directly into damaged nerve pathways could potentially eliminate the need for surgery in the future. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer

 News Environment

Pacific Climate Variability Hinders Accurate Forecasts

The natural climate fluctuations of the Pacific Ocean have a significant impact on surface temperatures in many regions of the world. Climate change predictions require

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Cause Obesity

A new study by the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) has found a clear causal link between the consumption of highly processed foods and

 News Geology

New mantle region found in volcanic rock

Scientists from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) have discovered a previously unknown region of the Earth’s mantle in volcanic rock samples from the Bermuda Islands.

 News Medicine

New glue seals internal wounds quickly.

Chinese scientists have developed a new wound adhesive that can seal even heavily bleeding heart injuries in just a few seconds. The adhesive has already

 News Environment

Deepest Dive Ever Finds Trash

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists from the private Five Deeps Expedition Project claim to have set a new record for the deepest dive in the