Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

3D-Printed Human Tissue Heart

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Tel Aviv University have created a prototype of an artificial heart using 3D printing technology. The heart is made

 News Medicine

New drug suppresses peanut allergy.

A new breakthrough in the treatment of food allergies has been announced by scientists at the University of Notre Dame. The team has developed a

 News Medicine

Longer Life with Coffee Consumption

A recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal suggests that coffee consumption may have a life-extending effect. The study analyzed data from approximately

 News Medicine

Baldness hits small men: gene study

A recent study conducted by the University of Bonn has identified gene variants that increase the risk of early hair loss and prostate cancer in

 News Physics

Eco-Friendly Magnetic Cooling System Unveiled

Innovative magnetocaloric cooling systems could soon replace traditional chemical refrigerants, according to researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques in Freiburg, Germany. Current

 News Medicine

Microbiome Boosts Immune System Against Skin Cancer

Microorganisms living on the skin protect against the immunosuppressive effects of UV radiation. Disinfecting the skin can weaken the natural protective effect and increase the

 News Environment

Climate change causes extreme floods.

The risk of flooding is increasing due to climate change, and Germany is one of the many regions in the world that is particularly vulnerable

 News Psychology

Smart, Sensitive, and Excluded Vegetarians

The number of vegetarians in Germany is increasing annually, but little research has been done on how these individuals differ from others from a psychological

 News Environment

Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier regrowing

The Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland has been shrinking for years, but NASA has recently discovered that it is suddenly growing again. However, scientists believe that

 News Medicine

Alcohol in Pregnancy Harms Babies

Every year in Germany, thousands of babies are born with disabilities caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Despite the well-known risks, researchers from the Institute