Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Antibiotic Found in Nasal Cavity

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found a previously unknown bacterium in our noses that could be a lifesaver. The bacterium, called Lugdunin, is produced

 News Technology

Transparent Wood Created by Researchers

In a groundbreaking discovery, US researchers have successfully made wood transparent, similar to glass. The two-step process involves treating the wood with chemicals, including sodium

 News Medicine

Thoughts After Death Explored

For millennia, the question of whether there is life after death has captivated humanity. Now, renowned researchers from England have delivered new and surprising answers.

 News Technology

7+ Days Battery Life Smartphone

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Environment

First Harvest on Martian Soil

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have successfully grown vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and peas on simulated Mars and Moon soil. The soil

 News Environment

Toxic Chemicals Found in Packaged Foods

Swiss environmental researchers have discovered hundreds of toxic chemicals in industrially packaged foods, including plasticizers and solvents. These chemicals enter the body through food consumption

 News Medicine

Human Eye Can See Single Photon

The human eye is even more light-sensitive than previously thought, with the ability to detect a single photon, the smallest unit of light. This was

 News Environment

Investigating the so-called Chemtrails

A group of 80 respected atmospheric scientists have discredited the theory that thick condensation trails, known as “chemtrails,” are the result of intentional chemical releases.

 News Technology

Quantum Communication: Earth to Orbit

A new era has begun with the launch of the first quantum satellite into space, which will test quantum communication. This puts the ground stations

 News Medicine

Brain under hypnosis analyzed

For the first time, researchers have analyzed a human brain under hypnosis. The study reveals three changes that occur during a trance state, helping scientists