Articles By This Author

 News Economics

Social Media Posts Reveal Income

A recent study conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University of London has found that social media posts can provide accurate insights into a user’s

 News Environment

Electricity or Gas: Which is Greener?

A new study by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has revealed when it is more environmentally friendly to heat and cook with

 News Economics

Unfair and Climate-Damaging Company Cars in Germany

The German government’s “Dienstwagenprivileg” policy, which provides tax benefits for company cars, is being criticized for promoting the purchase of high-end vehicles and hindering efforts

 News Environment

Europe’s Largest Gas Field Shut Down Due to Earthquakes

The largest natural gas field in Europe, located in Groningen, Netherlands, is set to be completely shut down due to the thousands of earthquakes it

 News Technology

Electric cars rarely catch fire.

According to data from the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), electric cars are less likely to catch

 News Geology

Discovery of Gravity Hole Cause

The Indian Ocean is home to the lowest gravity on Earth, and scientists have finally discovered the cause of this gravitational anomaly. The Earth is

 News Geology

Volcanic Eruptions Cool Earth More

A recent study by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that current climate models have underestimated the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions, particularly

 News Environment

USA Allows Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

The United States has become the second country to allow the sale of lab-grown chicken meat, with two companies receiving approval from the Food Safety

 News Technology

Hydrogen Production on Your Roof

In a breakthrough development, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed highly efficient photoreactor panels that can produce hydrogen, synthetic gas, or

 News Psychology

Meat Consumption Rises Despite Campaigns

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological