Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Universal Cancer Vaccine on Horizon

German researchers may have made a breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the help of a vaccine. Every year, 224,000 people in Germany die

 News Technology

Air to Water: Bottle Magic

Fontus Ario: A Revolutionary Water Bottle Fontus Ario is a bottle-shaped container that fills itself with drinkable water through condensation. This innovative gadget is not

 News Technology

Customize Your Sneakers with App

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the University of California have created the world’s first 1,000-core processor. This processor is capable of executing 1.78 trillion

 News Economics

Island to strip banks of money creation rights

The Icelandic government is considering a revolutionary proposal that would see only central banks allowed to create money. The idea, known as the Sovereign Money

 News Medicine

Delaying Retirement Boosts Life Expectancy

A recent study from the United States has found that working longer can actually lead to a longer life. The study focused on the transition

 News Physics

2 + 1 ≠ Always 3

In a surprising discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not add up linearly. This phenomenon,

 News Environment

Dye Found in Food: Textile Color

A non-approved azo dye has been found in a plant extract. According to reports, a textile dye has been found in natural hibiscus and beetroot

 News Physics

Newly Discovered “Light Force”

In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists at CERN in Geneva have reported that the elusive and seemingly impossible collision of photons may soon be observed. Photons,

 News Environment

Middle East Too Hot to Live

Experts warn that by the end of the 21st century, the Middle East will become too hot to live in, with temperatures ranging between 74

 News Medicine

Blondes are not dumber – quite the opposite.

Blondes are often stereotyped as being less intelligent, but a new study conducted by researchers in the United States has debunked this myth. The study,