Articles By This Author

 News Economics

Feeding the World Without Factory Farming

Vienna-based researchers have found that industrial farming is not necessary, but rather serves to optimize profits. The study is part of the emerging field of

 News Medicine

Fewer surgeries with biodegradable implants.

In cases of complicated fractures, patients often require steel or titanium plates to aid in the healing process. However, these implants often require follow-up surgeries

 News Medicine

Increasing Intelligence and Brain Size in Brits and Germans

A recent study conducted by Michael A. Woodley of Menie and his colleagues at the Technical University in Chemnitz has found a correlation between the

 News Medicine

New Hope for Pulmonary Hypertension

A breakthrough in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has been announced by Actelion Ltd. The Swiss biopharmaceutical company has released the results of

 News Economics

Turkmenistan bans cigarette sales.

Turkmenistan, a small landlocked country in Central Asia, has become the first country in the world to ban the sale of cigarettes and impose hefty

 News Technology

1000-Hour Silicon-Air Battery

A major problem with silicon-air batteries, which have the potential to increase the range of electric cars by five times, has been solved by researchers.

 News Medicine

Gadolinium in Brain: MRI Concerns

New research has revealed that the MRI contrast agent gadolinium can detach from its carrier substance and accumulate in the brain. Radiologists and researchers are

 News Medicine

Fighting Hair Loss with Piezoelectricity

Kyocera, a Japanese technology company, has partnered with Riken and Organ Technologies to develop a new method for hair cell transplantation. The process involves growing

 News Technology

Transparent Solar Cells Developed

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Psychology

Internet Surveillance Leads to Self-Censorship

A recent study by the Vodafone Institute confirms what privacy advocates have been warning about for years: the feeling of constant surveillance leads to massive