Articles By This Author

 News Technology

Safe Flying with Detachable Cabin

A Ukrainian aerospace engineer, Vladimir Nikolayevich, has unveiled a new design for a detachable passenger cabin that could save countless lives in the event of

 News Geology

World’s Largest Sapphire Discovered

In Sri Lanka, the largest and heaviest sapphire in the world was recently discovered. The anonymous owner of the blue mineral has given it the

 News Physics

Electrons Stable for 66 Quadrillion Years

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not behave in a linear manner.

 News Environment

Banning Gas and Diesel by 2050

Germany Joins ZEV Alliance at Paris Climate Summit Germany has joined the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Alliance at the Paris Climate Summit, which means that

 News Technology

3-Month Solar Lamp: Affordable Power

Over three billion people on Earth currently live without access to electricity, and therefore, without light. Micro Power Design, a benefit corporation, aims to change

 News Technology

Power-free fridge innovation

Berlin-based start-up company has been working on a refrigerator that operates without electricity since 2012. Julia Römer, an industrial engineer, wanted to reduce the electricity

 News Environment

Salt Contains Microplastics

Plastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide, with microplastics being found in various food and drink products. Now, researchers have discovered that even salt contains

 News Medicine

Hope for Universal Cancer Cure

In a groundbreaking discovery, Danish and Canadian researchers may have stumbled upon a universal cure for all types of cancer while searching for a vaccine

 News Environment

Confirmed: Pesticides Cause Bee Deaths

A scientific expert group from the EU has confirmed that certain pesticides are responsible for the decline in bee populations. This confirms what numerous studies

 News Medicine

Coffee reduces risk of multiple sclerosis

Coffee consumption has been linked to various health benefits in recent years, and now researchers have found that drinking at least four cups of coffee