Articles By This Author

 News Psychology

Happiness = No Shopping

The advertising industry bombards us with messages every day, telling us what we need to be happy. However, recent research by neuroscientists has shown that

 News Medicine

Risks of ADHD Medications

A recent study has shown that an increasing number of parents are discontinuing medication-based ADHD therapy for their children. The medications used to treat ADHD,

 News Technology

Sail-hulled Cargo Ships Harness Wind

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, Norwegian engineer Terje Lade has developed a new type of cargo ship that uses wind

 News Medicine

Leukemia cases near power lines investigated.

British scientists have revisited the question of whether high-voltage power lines are harmful to humans and how exactly an increased health risk arises. For years,

 News Technology

Facebook Likes Reveal Personality Traits

A team of British and American scientists has developed an algorithm that can determine a user’s essential character traits based on their Facebook likes. By

 News Medicine

Double Survival Rate with Aspirin

A recent study conducted by Dutch researchers has found that regular intake of low doses of aspirin can almost double the average survival rate of

 News Medicine

New Antibiotic Discovered by Researchers

A groundbreaking new antibiotic has been discovered by an international team of researchers. This antibiotic is effective against numerous pathogens without developing resistance. However, it

 News Medicine

Caffeine helps with chronic stress.

In times of constant and chronic stress, many people turn to their coffee cups for comfort. Surprisingly, this may be a wise choice as caffeine,

 News Psychology

Lying Kids Increase Under Threats

A recent experiment conducted by Victoria Talwar and her colleagues from McGill University in Montreal has shown that threatening children with negative consequences for lying

 News Technology

First Hoverboard Ready for Market

A team of British and American scientists has developed an algorithm that can determine a user’s essential character traits based on their Facebook likes. The