Articles By This Author

 News Physics

Six-Quark Exotic Matter Confirmed

Physicists have made a groundbreaking discovery by detecting exotic matter made up of six quarks, a significant step forward in particle physics. Normal matter is

 News Psychology

Full Moon Not to Blame

For centuries, many people around the world have believed that the full moon is responsible for restless nights and poor sleep. However, a recent study

 News Physics

Creating New Matter from Light

British physicists are attempting to create matter from light using a photon accelerator based on the Breit-Wheeler theory. The theory, developed by Gregory Breit and

 News Physics

Mini Fusion Reactor Achieves Laser-Induced Fusion

In a groundbreaking laser experiment, scientists have achieved a major milestone in the quest to build a functioning fusion reactor. The experiment involved heating a

 News Technology

Flying planes with just thoughts

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Technical University of Munich have successfully demonstrated that a pilot can land an aircraft using only their thoughts.

 News Medicine

Gender Differences Unveiled

New research has found that the brains of men and women develop differently during puberty, leading to differences in blood flow. The study, conducted by

 News Physics

Physicists Slow Down Light

Physicists in America have managed to slow down light to almost a standstill using special materials. Instead of moving at 299,792,458 meters per second, the

 News Medicine

Algae virus lowers human intelligence

A virus that can impair cognitive functions in the human brain has been discovered by a team of scientists from the John Hopkins Medical School

 News Technology

Transferring Thoughts via Internet

In a breakthrough that sounds like science fiction, scientists have successfully transmitted thoughts from one human brain to another thousands of kilometers away via the

 News Physics

Mathematicians Confirm Ball-Stacking Theory

The Kepler Conjecture, proposed by German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler in 1611, states that there is no more efficient way to stack spheres than