Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Cow’s Milk Linked to Osteoporosis

The decision to give up cow’s milk as a source of nutrition can be based on various reasons, including ethical and health-related concerns. Lactose intolerance

 News Environment

Rising Methane from the Sea

Scientists aboard the research vessel “Okeanos Explorer” have made a startling discovery off the coast of Virginia, USA. Due to rising ocean temperatures caused by

 News Medicine

Nanotechnology to conquer cancer

A new breakthrough in cancer research has been made by scientists at the Cancer Research Center of the University of California. They have developed a

 News Technology

Netherlands Builds Future Roads

The future of road traffic in the Netherlands has taken a step towards reality with the introduction of self-illuminating road markings on a section of

 News Psychology

Dreams and Reality are Identical

Dreaming has always been a mystery to science, but researchers have recently made some important discoveries about how we dream. Michael Schredl, a dream researcher,

 News Geology

Diamonds discovered in Antarctica

Researchers have discovered Kimberlite rock beneath the ice of the East Antarctic. Kimberlite is often associated with raw diamonds. However, the Antarctic Treaty protects the

 News Medicine

Useless Lab Mice for Research

Experts Doubt the Usefulness of Lab Mice in Medical Research For decades, medical research has relied on experiments conducted on mice. However, experts are now

 News Geology

X-rays aid gold prospecting.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), works by bombarding

 News Psychology

Brown eyes more trustworthy than blue

A recent study conducted by Czech researchers has found that the eye color of unknown individuals is a significant factor in determining their credibility. According

 News Physics

Atoms Star in IBM Film

The world’s smallest film, “A boy and his atom,” has been produced using individual CO molecules on an atomic level. The plot of the short