Articles By This Author

 News Psychology

Porn Consumption Triggers Eating Disorders

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological

 News Technology

China to Launch First Thorium Reactor

China is set to launch the world’s first liquid salt reactor, which has significant advantages over traditional nuclear power plants and is expected to be

 News Economics

Electric car and heat pump power reduction

Germany is set to experience a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming years due to the rising number of electric cars and heat

 News Geology

Earth Formed Faster Than Thought

A new study has revealed that the formation of Earth through the accumulation of small pebbles, dust, and icy particles took only a few million

 News Environment

EU Commission to Ease GMO Rules

The European Commission (EC) is considering allowing the sale of certain genetically modified foods without labeling. However, parts of the German government are against the

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Dog Bite Risk

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent. A recent study by the Potsdam

 News Technology

Floating City Designed for 40,000

A floating city for 40,000 people has been designed by architects, with a focus on serving as a health center. The Dogen City, created by

 News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Economics

Inflation Boosts Gambling Addiction

The promise of quick financial gains through gambling, as often advertised, is often in stark contrast to reality. In times of high inflation, where money

 News Economics

Tenant Association Limits Housing

The scarcity of living space in many cities has prompted a tenant association to propose limiting the living space per person, which could force families