Articles By This Author

 News Geology

Copper Accumulation in Large Quantities

Swiss geologists have simulated the formation process of the most productive porphyry copper deposits and discovered that groundwater plays a crucial role. Copper is one

 News Technology

Heat-Powered Laser Technology

Physicists at the University of Innsbruck have developed a way to power a laser beam solely through temperature differences. This means that the waste heat

 News Medicine

Nighttime Light Causes Depression

Depression Linked to Nighttime Brightness, Even with Normal Sleep Patterns New research has found that depression can be caused by nighttime brightness, even in individuals

 News Medicine

Glowing Tumors: A Breakthrough Discovery

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully used nanotechnology to detect even the smallest tumors. The tiny nanoparticles cause the tumors to glow, allowing

 News Medicine

Epileptic Rats Cured with Gene Therapy

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have successfully used gene therapy to cure epilepsy in rats. By introducing a copy of a specific gene into the

 News Environment

Storing Energy with Hydrogen

French researchers have found a way to store excess energy produced by wind and solar power plants. The researchers from the Université de Grenoble have

 News Medicine

Scientists create embryo with three parents.

In a groundbreaking development, American scientists have created embryos that carry the genetic material of three adults. This technique could potentially eliminate certain genetic diseases

 News Environment

Climate Change Destroys Methane Hydrate

The warming of ocean waters due to changes in the Gulf Stream is posing a threat to the stability of methane hydrate deposits along the

 News Environment

Climate Change Breaks Food Chain

Researchers warn that numerous animal species will become extinct in the next 100 years due to climate change. However, the direct increase in temperature will

 News Technology

Tapping into Human Ear Power

Researchers have developed an implant that can harness energy from the human ear to power small electronic devices. The implant taps into a natural source