Articles By This Author

 News Economics

Germany’s BBQ Revolution: Vegan Trending

Vegan grilling is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, with around half of the population considering exclusively using plant-based alternatives on the grill. A study conducted

 News Technology

Electric car on hoverboard technology

Inventist CEO Shane Chen has unveiled an innovative concept for an electric car that resembles a hoverboard. The vehicle, named “Shane,” has no conventional steering,

 News Psychology

Do Opposites Really Attract in Relationships?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has challenged the old adage that “opposites attract.” The study aimed to investigate

 News Economics

Less Job Opportunities for Poor Children in Germany

A recent study by the Institute of German Economy (IW) has found that teenagers from wealthier households in Germany are more likely to have a

 News Technology

Elon Musk predicts global power shortage

Elon Musk Warns of Global Energy Shortage Due to Electric Cars and AI Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has predicted that the increasing use of

 News Technology

Bike-car hybrid start-up

Belgian start-up Quadvelo has developed a hybrid vehicle that combines the features of a bicycle and a car. The vehicle, which has a maximum weight

 News Economics

Decline in satisfaction with electric cars in Germany

The satisfaction of electric car owners in Germany is decreasing, with the highest customer satisfaction being reported for Tesla, Genesis, and Porsche. As the number

 News Environment

German start-up creates lab-grown fish

Berlin-based start-up Bluu Seafood, formerly known as Bluu Biosciences, has developed a stem cell technology that allows for the production of lab-grown fish in a

 News Technology

Battery Tanker to Transport Power

PowerX, a Japanese company, has designed a battery tanker that can transport large amounts of energy across the world’s oceans, similar to an oil tanker.

 News Economics

German Youth Prefer Cars Despite Climate Change

Young people in Germany still consider cars as the optimal mode of transportation, according to a recent study by McKinsey. However, the bicycle boom during