Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Deadly Toxins Released by Cigarette Filters

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, with humans producing around 400 million tons of plastic waste annually. Unfortunately, plastic waste is not biodegradable and

 News Economics

German taxpayers pay most at this age.

Germany has the second-highest tax burden among OECD countries, but not all age groups pay the same amount of taxes and social contributions. A recent

 News Economics

German Bank Accounts: How Much?

A recent study conducted by the Deutsche Bundesbank (BBk) has revealed that the average net worth of German households is €316,500, including cash, bank deposits,

 News Environment

Obesity speeds up climate change.

Obesity is not only a health issue but also an environmental one. According to a recent study by The Obesity Society, people who are overweight

 News Technology

China’s 1000 km/h High-Speed Train

China is set to build a high-speed train that can reach speeds of over 1,000 km/h thanks to a vacuum tube. The train will be

 News Economics

Start-up gives away 500k TVs

Teevee, a start-up based in San Francisco, has announced that it will be giving away 500,000 55-inch Telly televisions for free. The catch? The company

 News Psychology

Cannabis Linked to Male Schizophrenia

A new study published in Psychological Medicine by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has found that up to 30% of schizophrenia cases in young

 News Technology

Surveillance Cameras Catch Littering Drivers

A new technology is being tested in the UK to tackle the problem of littering on highways. About 40% of the country’s highways are significantly

 News Environment

Farming for Climate Change Solution

The Earth’s atmosphere currently has the highest concentration of CO? in a million years, according to data from the American Meteorological Society. However, natural rock

 News Economics

Record high car density in Germany.

Germany Sets New Record for Car Ownership Germany has reached a new record for car ownership, with 583 cars per 1,000 people registered in 2022,