Articles By This Author

 News Physics

Successful First Step in Light-Driven Electronics

Scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of light-driven electronics, which could significantly accelerate technological development. The interaction between matter and light plays a

 News Technology

Quantum Computer Outperforms Supercomputer

Google’s quantum computer, Sycamore, has solved a random sampling problem 47 years faster than the fastest supercomputer, Frontier. Sycamore operates with 70 qubits and is

 News Psychology

City vs. Country: Smarter Residents?

The Savanna Theory of Happiness suggests that people with lower IQs prefer the routine life of the countryside, while more intelligent individuals appreciate the variety

 News Technology

27,000 Households Powered by Giant Heat Pumps

Denmark is set to create two massive heat pumps that will provide CO2-neutral warmth to 27,000 households using wind energy. While heat pumps are typically

 News Environment

Rainforests store less CO2 due to water scarcity.

Tropical rainforests absorb significantly less CO? from the atmosphere during periods of water scarcity, a feedback effect that has not been accounted for in most

 News Psychology

Cars for Men with Big Penises

A recent study conducted by the sex-positive online community Joy-Club has investigated which car models men with above-average penis sizes prefer. The study was conducted

 News Environment

Edible packaging made from eggshells

Kopenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is planning to introduce a ban on combustion engine vehicles by 2030. This decision has been approved by all parties

 News Technology

Largest plane converted to hydrogen

Zeroavia, a British-American company, has announced that it will convert an out-of-service Bombardier Q400 regional aircraft into a hydrogen-powered plane. The Q400, with 76 seats,

 News Technology

Ultra-light Electric Car Weighs 65kg

The Technische Universität München (TUM) students have developed an energy-efficient electric car, muc023, to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon. The TUfast Eco group has

 News Technology

Future Autobahn Designed with Supraleaders

Revolutionary Autobahn Concept: Supraleitende Magnetspulen und Wasserstofftransport Imagine traveling from Munich to Hamburg in just 80 minutes, with cars autonomously driving at speeds of up