Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Implant Energy from Blood Sugar

Swiss researchers from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) have developed a tiny fuel cell that can generate energy for implants and regulate blood sugar

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Male Fertility

Cannabis Use Linked to Decreased Sperm Production A recent study conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has found that regular

 News Technology

Underwater Robot Collects Resources for Electric Cars

A new underwater robot has been developed that can autonomously harvest polymetallic nodules containing raw materials for electric cars without damaging the delicate ecosystems. Collingwood,

 News Technology

Germany allows autonomous driving at 130 km/h

Mercedes Struggles to Certify Drive Pilot for 130 km/h Autonomous Driving in Germany Mercedes is facing challenges in certifying its Drive Pilot system for autonomous

 News Psychology

Wealthy Homelands = Unhappy Teens

In a surprising twist, a recent study by economists Robert Rudolf and Dirk Bethmann of Korea University has found that the happiness of teenagers decreases

 News Geology

Massive Metal Sphere Discovered in Earthquake

A recent discovery by researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) has revealed that the Earth has a fifth layer, previously unknown to scientists. The

 News Medicine

Cola Boosts Testosterone and Testicle Size

A new study has found that high consumption of cola can increase testosterone levels and lead to the growth of testicles. The study, conducted by

 News Technology

Bacteria Ink Enables 3D Bone Printing

Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have developed a new 3D printing material that allows for the creation of lightweight,

 News Physics

Wendelstein-7X Fusion Reactor Milestone

The German fusion reactor, Wendelstein-7X, has achieved a milestone in the energy conversion of fusion plasma. The reactor ran for eight minutes at 1.3 gigajoules,

 News Technology

Saudi Arabia’s 400m 360-VR cinema

Saudi Arabia is currently dependent on oil exports, but the country is looking to reduce this reliance through its “Vision 2030” project. The project aims