Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Climate Change – Environmental Groups Demand End of Commuter Tax Deduction

The German government is facing calls from environmental and social groups to abolish the commuter tax deduction, known as the Pendlerpauschale, due to its negative

 News Technology

Revolutionary Cooling System for ACs

A new cooling system based on the electrocaloric effect could revolutionize the way we cool our homes and buildings. Currently, about one-fifth of global electricity

 News Economics

Germany Could Save €16 Billion with Sugar Tax

A sugar tax could significantly reduce the consumption of soft drinks, saving the German economy and healthcare system €16 billion. High sugar consumption is associated

 News Environment

Riches’ Extreme Luxury Fuels Climate Change

The wealthiest 10% of the world’s population, including a large portion of Germans, are responsible for approximately half of global CO2 emissions. This is due

 News Economics

Ban on Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

Italy Bans Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat Italy has become the first European country to ban the production and sale of lab-grown meat, also

 News Technology

Massive Solar Plant Unveiled in UAE

A massive solar power plant has been inaugurated near Abu Dhabi, with the aim of helping the United Arab Emirates (UAE) achieve carbon neutrality by

 News Psychology

Can Humans Distinguish AI Faces?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in recent years, particularly in generating texts, images, and videos. A study by the New York University Abu

 News Environment

LNG Worse Than Coal for Climate?

A new study conducted by Robert W. Howarth of Cornell University has revealed that burning liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of coal in Germany may

 News Psychology

Nationalist Rhetoric Boosts Right-Wing Parties

Nationalism in political discussions activates latent nationalist views in many people, which affects voting behavior and helps right-wing parties. According to various studies, people who

 News Environment

Tiny Creatures Break Down Plastic

Plastic pollution is a growing concern for the environment, with microplastics and nanoplastics now found in almost all ecosystems on Earth. These tiny particles, measuring