Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Puzzles Slow Memory Loss

Crossword puzzles are not just a fun pastime, they can also help prevent memory loss associated with dementia. Researchers have found that regular puzzle-solving can

 News Economics

Germany’s IT Skills Shortage Grows

Germany is currently facing a shortage of around 137,000 IT professionals, according to a recent study by Bitkom e.V., the industry association for the information

 News Medicine

Masks protect against radioactive decay

Medical masks can almost completely prevent the absorption of radioactive radon decay products, according to recent research. Radon is a gas that is produced during

 News Medicine

Swiss ticks carry Chinese virus

Tick-borne diseases are a growing concern in Europe, with ticks transmitting various pathogens, including parasites, bacteria, and viruses. In Switzerland, researchers from the Virology Institute

 News Technology

No Capacity Loss with New Battery

A new solid-state battery has been developed with an electrode material that boasts unparalleled stability, even after hundreds of charging cycles, without any loss of

 News Physics

Boosting Hydrogen Electrolysis with Sound Waves

Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a new method to produce green hydrogen using sound waves. Hydrogen is produced by splitting water

 News Environment

Decrease in Number of Hurricanes

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Technology

Winter Range Loss in Electric Cars

A new foam-like hydrogel has been developed by scientists at the University of Maryland that can absorb liquids three times better than traditional paper and

 News Technology

Mini Robot Jumps 30 Meters

A 30-gram robot has achieved an incredible feat by jumping over 30 meters in height at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

 News Environment

Whales: Climate Change Allies

Wales Could Help Reduce CO2 Concentration in the Atmosphere A recent study by the University of Alaska Southeast (AUS) has found that whales, some of