Articles By This Author

 News Technology

3D-Printed Robots Build Chinese Dam

China is building a massive hydroelectric power plant using robots controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) in a 3D printing process. The 180-meter-high Yangqu dam will

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation affects human perception.

Sleep deprivation has long been known to cause lack of concentration and fatigue. However, a recent study has found that it also alters a person’s

 News Environment

Giant Whale Sharks at Risk

The population of whale sharks, the largest living fish on Earth, continues to decline despite protective measures. A recent study conducted by scientists at the

 News Economics

Overloaded Ports Worldwide

The global trade industry is facing unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. According to a study by Allianz

 News Economics

Oil Companies Profit from Gasoline & Diesel

The oil companies have significantly increased their profit margins since the beginning of the war. A recent study by Greenpeace reveals just how much their

 News Economics

Jobless or Unhappy at Work?

The traditional notion of a high salary and a successful career being the ultimate goal in the workplace may no longer hold true for the

 News Medicine

Unhealthy Lifestyle Costs Men 23 Years

A new study by German scientists has found that a combination of five blood serum markers and lifestyle factors can accurately predict life expectancy. Men

 News Economics

Robots to Contribute to Pension Fund

The latest figures show that there is a huge deficit in the German pension fund. To address this issue, politicians are proposing that robots should

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Against Colds

A Covid-19 vaccination can lead to cross-immunization that protects against seasonal coronaviruses, according to a recent study. While this effect may not completely prevent a

 News Technology

AI reduces traffic light wait times.

In Lemgo, Germany, a team of scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) have developed an intelligent traffic light