Articles By This Author

 News Technology

AI reduces traffic light wait times.

In Lemgo, Germany, a team of scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) have developed an intelligent traffic light

 News Technology

Supergrid: Halving Electricity Costs

A fully interconnected European energy transmission system, known as the Supergrid, could potentially reduce electricity costs by up to 48 percent. Recent years have seen

 News Medicine

Pig Heart Transplanted into Human

A groundbreaking medical procedure has taken place in the United States, where a person with a life-threatening heart condition has received a genetically modified pig

 News Technology

China’s Maglev Sled Sets Speed Record

China has developed a new technology that could revolutionize the way aircraft carriers launch planes. The Chinese army has opened a research center in Jinan

 News Technology

Accelerate Walking with Moonwalker Shoes

A new solar panel has set a world record for producing green hydrogen completely autonomously. Scientists at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) have been

 News Psychology

Social Media and Depression?

The use of social media platforms such as Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook has been associated with depression in adults, according to a study conducted by

 News Medicine

COVID-19 and AfD Voting Correlation

A recent study conducted by the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ) in collaboration with an epidemiologist from the Helmholtz Center in Munich has found

 News Technology

Japan to Build Fusion Reactor by 2050

Japan has embarked on the development of its own nuclear fusion reactor, with plans to have a prototype operational by 2050. The Japanese government aims

 News Environment

Record-breaking ocean warming

The human-induced climate change has led to a new heat record in the world’s oceans, resulting in an increase in extreme weather events and rising

 News Medicine

Possible Cause of Cancer Metastasis Discovered

Researchers at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg have discovered why the removal of a tumor can promote the formation of metastases and how