Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Vaping linked to heart rhythm issues.

E-cigarette liquids have been found to contain ingredients that can slow down heart rate and affect the heart’s conduction system, potentially leading to sudden cardiac

 News Medicine

WHO warns of deadly fungal infections.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about the dangers of life-threatening fungal infections that are spreading rapidly across the globe due to

 News Physics

Record-breaking optical chip transfers data

A new optical chip has been developed by scientists at Chalmers University of Technology and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) that can transfer data

 News Physics

Creating First Bose-Einstein Condensate from Quasiparticles

Physicists in Tokyo have achieved a major breakthrough by creating a Bose-Einstein condensate from quasiparticles for the first time. In this exotic state of matter,

 News Economics

Audi CEO advocates speed limit and car-free days

Audi CEO Markus Duesmann has called for car-free days and a universal speed limit in response to the current energy crisis. Climate protection groups in

 News Technology

3D-Printed Steak for Michelin Restaurants

Israeli start-up Redefine Meat has developed a 3D printer that produces whole pieces of meat from plant-based ingredients. The company has been working on this

 News Technology

China builds world’s largest wind turbine.

China has developed a new technology that could revolutionize the way aircraft carriers launch planes. The Chinese army has opened a research center in Jinan

 News Medicine

Heatwave Claims 4,500 Lives in Germany

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent in Germany, with rising temperatures and droughts. A recent study conducted by the Robert Koch Institute

 News Medicine

Gaming can be deadly for kids.

A new study has found that playing computer games can be a deadly risk for some children and teenagers. Researchers from the Heart Centre for

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Pandemic Risk

The rapid melting of glaciers due to climate change is causing the release of unknown viruses and bacteria that could trigger new pandemics. A recent