Articles By This Author

 News Psychology

Nationalist Rhetoric Boosts Right-Wing Parties

Nationalism in political discussions activates latent nationalist views in many people, which affects voting behavior and helps right-wing parties. According to various studies, people who

 News Technology

Voice-based alcohol detection on smartphones.

A new app has been developed that can accurately detect blood alcohol concentration through a person’s voice. The developers claim that this technology can help

 News Psychology

Income Boosts Self-Esteem

A higher income can improve one’s perceived self-worth, according to various studies. Researchers from the City, University of London found that comparing salaries with colleagues

 News Economics

Renewable Energy Lowers German Electricity Prices

Germany recently shut down its last nuclear power plants, and a recent study from the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) has shown that investing

 News Technology

China tests special material for hypersonic planes.

China has developed a new coating for hyperspeed aircraft that can withstand long flights. Hyperspeed, which is over Mach 5 (6,175 km/h), could revolutionize both

 News Psychology

Suppressing negative thoughts improves mental health.

A new study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that suppressing negative thoughts can actually help individuals with mental health problems. Traditional therapies

 News Psychology

Regretting Parenthood: A Parent’s Confession

The decision to become a parent is one of the most significant in a person’s life. However, how many parents actually regret this decision? And

 News Physics

Generating Electricity from Humidity with Nanomaterials

A new generator made from a nanomaterial with micropores can now harness energy from humidity in the air. Developed in China, this system can power

 News Technology

Chatbot Outperforms Humans in Analog Thinking

A new material has been developed that prevents dirt from sticking to toilet bowls, potentially reducing water consumption from flushing. According to scientific estimates, flushing

 News Environment

Cruise ships pollute more than cars

Carnival Corporation’s cruise ships emit more toxic sulfur oxides than all 291 million cars in Europe combined, according to a study by Transport and Environment