Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

New approach to combat hunger cravings

A new study has found that a liver hormone is responsible for causing hunger pangs during diets, making it difficult for overweight individuals to lose

 News Medicine

COVID Vaccine Affects Women’s Periods

A new study confirms that the COVID-19 vaccine can affect menstruation in women. According to the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), the vaccine can

 News Medicine

Alcohol’s Impact on Brain Metabolism

A single episode of alcohol consumption can alter the brain for several days, even after the alcohol has left the bloodstream. While small amounts of

 News Environment

Pollution Kills Nine Million Annually

Air pollution causes nine million additional deaths per year, according to a recent study by the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP). The study

 News Economics

Low-income families hit hard by inflation.

The high inflation rate in Germany is hitting low-income families the hardest, according to a study by the Institute for Macroeconomics and Economic Research (IMK)

 News Medicine

UN warns of strain on healthcare from cannabis

The increasing use of cannabis is leading to a greater burden on healthcare facilities, according to the World Drug Report 2022 by the United Nations

 News Environment

Electric or E-Fuel Car? Cleaner Alternative.

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Medicine

Night Vision Enabled with Nanoparticle Injection

Scientists have developed nanoparticles that allow mice to see infrared light, according to a study published in the journal Cell. The researchers injected the mice

 News Technology

Google’s controversial AI hires lawyer

In a surprising turn of events, the chatbot LaMDA has reportedly developed consciousness and a soul. As a result, the artificial intelligence (AI) has hired

 News Medicine

Endurance Sports Trigger Natural Appetite Suppressants

A new molecule called N-lactoyl-Phenylalanin (Lac-Phe) has been discovered by researchers at Stanford University that could potentially form the basis of a medication to combat