Articles By This Author

 News Environment

Space bubbles to halt climate change

A cluster of space bubbles positioned between the sun and the earth could potentially stop climate change, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of

 News Medicine

Stem Cell Therapy Cures Type 1 Diabetes

In a groundbreaking development, a 64-year-old man with type 1 diabetes has been cured through stem cell therapy. This is the first time that a

 News Technology

Mind-Controlled Metamaterial Technology

Chinese scientists from the University of Air Force in Xian have developed a metamaterial whose surface structure can be controlled through thought. Metamaterials are surfaces

 News Economics

High fuel prices brake German drivers?

Despite the fuel discount, gasoline and diesel remain expensive. TomTom data now shows whether high fuel prices have led to adjusted driving behavior in Germany.

 News Geology

Does the Earth’s Inner Core Oscillate?

New analyses suggest that the Earth’s inner core oscillates, which could explain fluctuations in the planet’s rotation and day length. Despite its importance in providing

 News Economics

Germany Clings to Combustion Engines

The latest study by PAWLIK, a German consulting firm, has revealed that German consumers are less likely to purchase electric or hybrid vehicles compared to

 News Medicine

Beer improves gut microbiome in men.

Beer consumption has been found to increase the number of health-promoting bacteria in the gut microbiome of men, according to a recent study by scientists

 News Technology

Japan tests deep-sea power generation

Japan is known for producing a significant portion of its electricity through nuclear power plants due to limited potential for solar and wind power. However,

 News Physics

The Mystery of Red Pixels

Physicists have created a nanostructure that produces a pure, intense red color without any color cast, known as saturated structural red. This color is not

 News Medicine

Lose Weight with Vegan Diet

A low-fat vegan diet has been found to positively impact the gut microbiome, allowing for weight loss without reducing calorie intake. According to a study