Articles By This Author

 News Technology

Tiny robot navigates through needle’s eye.

A tiny micro-robot has been developed by a team at Northwestern University that can move without the use of mechanics, hydraulics, or electricity. The robot,

 News Technology

Diamond batteries power implants from nuclear waste

A revolutionary new energy source for medical implants, such as pacemakers and brain stimulators, could soon be available on the market. The Betavoltaic battery, made

 News Technology

China Launches Autonomous Carrier Ship

China has become the first country to launch an autonomous carrier ship for drones, as well as unmanned exploration and diving boats. The Zhu Hai

 News Economics

Increased Drug Use from Cannabis Legalization?

A recent study has debunked the theory that legalizing cannabis leads to an increase in the consumption of other drugs. In the United States, many

 News Economics

Work Addiction Rampant in Germany

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Braunschweig and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), sponsored by the Hans-Böckler Foundation,

 News Technology

AI to Soon Surpass Humans

DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google, is currently developing a generalized AI that is expected to surpass human intelligence. According to Nando de Freitas, a leading

 News Economics

Cheap Food in Germany: A Problem

The high inflation rate in Germany has become a major concern for many citizens. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the economic impact of the

 News Medicine

Gaming boosts children’s intelligence

Video games have long been associated with negative effects on children, including increased aggression and decreased intelligence. However, a recent study by the Karolinska Institute

 News Medicine

Reviving Cells After Death

Reviving Human Cells Hours After Death: A Breakthrough in Organ Preservation and Blindness Treatment In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the Moran Eye Center of

 News Physics

Multiple Realities? Physicists Suggest Multiverse

A recent experiment with graphene has led to a surprising discovery that could explain the existence of a multiverse. Physicists have long been trying to