Articles By This Author

 News Psychology

The Dark Side of Status Symbols

The allure of status symbols is undeniable. Luxury watches, sports cars, and other material possessions are often used to showcase one’s financial success and wealth.

 News Medicine

Antibiotics in Pig Farming: A Threat

The use of antibiotics in livestock farming is a common practice, but a recent study conducted by the University of Copenhagen and the Statens Serum

 News Medicine

Heart Inflammation Risk Post-Covid Vaccine?

A recent meta-study conducted in Scandinavia has investigated whether mRNA vaccines for Covid-19 are associated with an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. According to

 News Medicine

WHO opens alternative medicine center in India

The traditional healing methods that have been developed for centuries in alternative medicine have not been scientifically investigated. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has

 News Environment

Microplastic causing forest death?

Coral reefs have been hit hard by climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% over the past decade. However, a recent study

 News Economics

German Energy-Saving Habits

The ongoing war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on energy consumption in German households. According to a survey conducted by Bitkom e.V., since

 News Technology

Airyacht: Travel in Air and Water

Swiss company Airyacht has unveiled a new luxury transportation concept that combines a yacht and an airship. The Airyacht is a 52-meter-long yacht that can

 News Technology

Wireless Power Transmission by US Military

In a groundbreaking demonstration, scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have successfully transmitted electric power wirelessly over a distance of one kilometer. The NRL,

 News Medicine

Biontech booster’s Omikron protection wanes

The effectiveness of the Biontech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine decreases significantly just a few months after a booster shot, according to a study by Kaiser Permanente. The

 News Environment

New Radiation Levels from Chernobyl Released

New measurement data shows the detailed radioactive contamination in the exclusion zone of Chernobyl. Given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, these data are of particular